Guys are...I can't think of a word that's synonymous for my frustration...

I think I might hate someone...Ok maybe not hate but it's definitely an extreme aversion. This guy, Brody, broke up with me about a month ago and when he did the jerk actually said that it was my fault! He said that I sicken him and he just doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I tried to take it in stride and I realized I never really liked him that much and that the only thing that really kept me together with him was the excitement of having a boyfriend. Hopefully I won't be making that mistake again soon. Anyway, he keeps sending me these f****** texts! I deleted him from my phone so why can't he do the same thing?!?!?! Geez, you @$$! He's so rude and I still see his little brother around my house because the park is really close by and his brother is so nice and cute but I really don't want to have anything to do with Brody so I haven't even talked to Daniel in while. Although, now that I think about it, I haven't been seeing Danny around...maybe he's avoiding me... -sigh- Moral of the story, don't date jerks with nice siblings! >.<


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