(May 20, 2005) AUGH!

After I wrote my last entry I just got worst. I started coughing, then I stharted talking funny. I wthas really congesthed and my nose was really drippy. To top it all off I got in this really big fight with this boy in my class that sometimes I just want to kill! Well this was the first time I actually lost my cool (physically) with him. I had just gotten progress reports from my math teacher. My friends, Ashely and Ivette, were helping little kids out on the playground (our middle school shares campus with an elementary school) who were outside participating in field day (a series of events that usually the same grade competes in to show off the other classes. Getting humiliated in front of the whole grade in 100 degree weather sure does sound fun doesn't it?) obviously didn't get their progress reports because they weren't there. Well anyways, I was in my last period right after math, and Hugo, the boy I absolutely loathe, sat down and said, "Hey what's this?" And he looked at them before I even had a chance to tell him what they were. I got so mad, I mean this guy didn't even let me say what they were! I yelled at him, "Hugo! What's wrong with you! Those aren't yours! Don't you have any respect for people's privacy!" He just looked at me and yelled right back, "I asked what they were and you didn't say any thing!" I wanted to hurt him soooo bad. "First of all when you asked that question you picked them up to fast for anyone to answer so actually, it could've been rhetorical!" I wanted to stop yelling, to calm myself down but I couldn't. my anger had taken control. "Why did you even think you could look at them!" I said as I snatched them out of his hand. "I was curious," That's a real winner isn't it? "You actually think that's a good excuse!?!? Listen to yourself!" I screamed, actually there was a lot of screaming and yelling, I'm just glad no one really cared because everyone dislikes Hugo because no one still has figured out a way to make him shutup without getting mad at him first. "Yes, curiousity is a good answer because I thought they were questions!" I just couldn't handle talking to him anymore, unless I wanted to go to jail for murder, so I just said, "Stop talking to me, you're an idiot." and the argument stopped there. Wow, that really got me worked up. Now I wanna go hurt something. Excuse me while I punch my punching bag and torch some trees pretending that they're Hugo's face! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! I've gone insane,....oh well.

Peace and puncing bags


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