
Showing posts from February, 2009

Fasting...I'm hungry!!!!

Hey all! It was ash Wednesday a few days ago and I've decided to fast, just to see what it's like. The only thing is that I'm doing a little bit different; instead of only eating bread and drinking water, I'm only eating breakfast and I can drink anything I want as long as it's not soda. Anyway, this is my second day and so far I'm doing pretty good...except for the hunger part but that's slowly fading...sort of... :D


Just stopping by to say hi. Well it seems that Lesly is the only weird acting one in the little threesome. I have know idea why she's acting pissed at me. I haven't done anything besides secretly agree with Em and Kendall so whatever. Oh and I finished my sciene paper with 12 pages...barely but still! I only had to do 10! I feel so accomplished. :D Now I think I shall gorge on pizza and soda. YAY! XD But before I do that, I just wanted to quote the conversation I had with Brody earlier today. It went as follows: Brody: Hey Me: Um...hi O.o What’s up? B: Lol. Just listening to music. What’re you up to? o.O M: Half assing some essay for English. I think I’m probably just going to stop mid sentence and say I’m done. ^.^ Whatcha listening to? B: Lol. What’s the essay about? Just listening to Come All You Weary by Thrice. M: Well he said we’re suppose to be writing about a poem or some “This I believe” contest. I’m doing the contest since I might get money. I’ve changed my mi

Stress really sucks!

For once my stress isn't coming from school! My kind of sort of friend, Lesly, you know the one who's going out with John E.? Well I don't what's wrong with her but she keeps looking at me kind of angrily...maybe I'm just reading into it too much but I think she's mad at me for something...maybe she found out I'm on Emily's side? I really don't know. Oh and then there's the fact that Brody is talking to me...I really don't know what to make of it. I guess he must be really bored or something. Anywho I'm shaking due to all the nerves. I really thought we were just going to never talk again since he told me that he wasn't asking to be friends anymore last time he talked to me...geez! I'm so friggin confused! >.< I'm talking backvery nonchant so I'm proud about that but even though everything seems so eeril normal I still feel completely stressed!

Park Expedition

...I think I might've seen Brody at the park yesterday. I was so scared that it was him that as soon as I saw the guy's back I never looked up from the ground or straight in front of me. I'm not entirely sure it was him because I was too scared to look him in the face and make sure...I think I might've been mistaken though because I saw some guy that kind of looked like Brody at the park today and that might've been the person I saw yesterday. Poor kid probably thinks I'm some kind of freak...oh well. :P

Well...this is weird...learning is actually fun...

I'm working on my research paper which is on Hydrogen and I get to pick what I want to write about it! It's actually pretty cool so far. I'm really getting in to it be cause I'm already convinced that my source of energy is the best one. Go hydrogen! XD I can't believe I'm actually having fun writing a research paper; for a science class no less! I know I'm going to sound like a total nerd but what the hell I'll just say it. Sometimes I love doing school work! It's actually fun sometimes! Yay, I think I'm go and keep reading about my awesome topic. :D

Blogger Conformist!!!

Oh NO!!! I just realized that I've been blogging almost everyday and I hardly ever used this blog before...I think...I think..I might be turning into a...blogger! -GASP- Anyway...I think I might have been assimilated by some of my friends...though I don't really think they know what they've done since they don't know I have a blog...It's probably all just in my head...-looks around nervously- I think I'm paranoid...listening to this song is definitely not helping! >.< I need to take a nap because I am exhausted (probably from all that unwanted exercise in the park). Over and out good buddies.

Spoke too soon...

Well, I thought school was annoying but boy was I WRONG! After school my dad picked me up and my little sister, Cassie, who's a freshman at my school. At first everything's going fine and we even go and grab a burger before heading home to get the dogs. Everything was still going along pleasantly but we hit our first speed bump when we went to pick up my youngest sis, Samantha. Apparently she was in huge trouble for writing some very inappropriate things so the mood in the car was very uncomfortable to say the least. We had the dogs on their leashes and headed to the park to give them a walk around, and by then my mom had driven to the park to talk to my dad about Sammy's punishment so they stayed behind us while the rest of us walked on ahead. After we had walked in the biggest loop around the park, I realized my phone was no longer hitched to my pocket! I went with Cass and walked around the park at least three times and then once more with everyone looking for it (just f

I HATE Science!

Well today has just been lovely from start to finish. I left my back pack in the art annex since I went to the library to check out a book but when I went to pick it up Mrs. Littlefield had left and locked the door! So I'm still without my back pack until next period...Oh and then there's science. I am suppose to be doing research for a ten page paper on Hydrogen energy in MLA format and it's so disastrously boring! I'm loathe to even read the awful mind numbing information! I really do try though, I mean I have two pages open right now that are suppose to be helping figure out what I should write and then there's the fact that Mr. Fields is going through kemo...again. I really do miss him, even if he is a grumpy, strict old guy! He's sure of a heck lot better than these stupid substitutes, especially Ms. Cameron who went to college but sounds like a complete idiot whenever she says something due to her strong brazilian accent. Plus she's even more uptight t

Tuesaday the 17th!!!

I think only a few people will understand the title and since explaining the whole thing would just ruin the mystery, I think I'll just not say anything. So today's Tuesday and that means CEC's (Chuck E. Cheese's)! We've been going nearly every week for about ten years not including summers. I know it sounds kind of weird because I'm 18 already but you see when the whole thing started I was young enough to get away with it but then, when I started growing out of it, I was gifted with two little sisters who always wanted to go and, when they started growing out of it, my baby brother came into being and now he always wants to go. So that's how it is. I know the place better than all the employess including the manager who we've known since she was asst. manager...before the kids! Oh, and in other news, I get to tutor the freshman today in Math! (I think I'm pretty qualified since I excelled in Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and am now taking Pre-Cal a

This is a dedication to the death of my feelings for you, but my memories shall never fade. RIP

Well...that was weird...I just barely looked at my phone and saw a text from yesterday that was from Brody. He said, and I quote, "Hey, I know you hate me, etc. but I just want to apologize for what I did to you. You may not take my apology but I do mean it. I'm not asking for a friendship or for forgiveness. Just want to make that clear. I don't expect you to respond. Just know that I'm very regretful for hurting you. Okay, thanks." I kind of felt bad for harboring vengeful thoughts concerning him...actually I do. I told him I accepted his apology and that I didn't hate him, which I don't. In fact, I think we could even be friends again if we gave it a shot but I just don't want to risk it, so I'm just going to let it die now that it's in a peaceful place. RIP: I shall never forget...-throws flower-

Danny is so CUTE! XD

Aw, I talked to Danny, my jerk face ex's little brother. He's so sweet..a little weird but definitely sweet. He's the same age as my sister, who's a freshman with me at highschool and when he was passing by to walk his dog he stopped to show me his pet ant, Freddy. He's so CUTE but he acts a bit odd at times...oh well, cute is cute. :D

(After thought)

I almost forgot! Today's president's day! Yay for those dead old guys! :D The only draw back is that I'm still stuck in school! Boo for those old fogeys! >.< It's a good thing I can at least still get on a computer. :P Oh and the thing with the chapters....Julia, I'm still working on them but on Word...I'll delete the old ones and post up my modified versions. :D

Guys are...I can't think of a word that's synonymous for my frustration...

I think I might hate someone...Ok maybe not hate but it's definitely an extreme aversion. This guy, Brody, broke up with me about a month ago and when he did the jerk actually said that it was my fault! He said that I sicken him and he just doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I tried to take it in stride and I realized I never really liked him that much and that the only thing that really kept me together with him was the excitement of having a boyfriend. Hopefully I won't be making that mistake again soon. Anyway, he keeps sending me these f****** texts! I deleted him from my phone so why can't he do the same thing?!?!?! Geez, you @$$! He's so rude and I still see his little brother around my house because the park is really close by and his brother is so nice and cute but I really don't want to have anything to do with Brody so I haven't even talked to Daniel in while. Although, now that I think about it, I haven't been seeing Danny around...m

Sef (drawing anime style) By J.R. Thanks a million buddy!


(February 5, 2009) Good Start

Okay I think so far it's a pretty good start. I've done some editing and revising; I definitely need to go back and add more things in, especially in chapter one. The chapters are really short so I'm probably going to just smoosh some of them together when I get more into the story, but so far so good. :D

(February 5, 2009) Rough Draft...I don't have a title yet though...heh

T he street lamp flickered in the night as the trees were run through with the horrific screams of the wind. A homeless man sought shelter from the fresh bout of snow chunks riding the malicious gusts. There was someone watching the lone man, who was lumbering up a deserted alley. There were a few rodents that scurried about but were not heard above the thrashing of the incoming blizzard. The dark seemed to follow the stranger as he stepped in the old man's footprints, quickly gaining. The old man didn't even have time to turn around and when he realized what was happening, and, just like the rodents' scurryings, his screams were smothered. “A shlyn, you're going to be late!" I nearly banged my head as the shrieking voice reached my room. I braved a look at my alarm clock. "Shit," I muttered as I scrambled up and threw some clothes on. Thankfully I had enough sense to pick my clothes out the night before, not that it would make much of a dent

(February 3, 2009) Friggin' annoying!...Gosh...! >.<

You know what really gets on my nerves? When people ask you what's wrong when you're not even doing anything! Ah! There's this boy in my highschool who reminds me of hugo except he is a whole lot taller and thinner but he can still be just as infuriating! We usually have these debates because he's really smart but he's just...well...odd. Anyway I might be reading and minding my own business when he'll come out of nowhere, and interrupt me only to ask if I'm okay!?! It wouldn't be that big of a deal if there was actually something wrong or if it was only one time but he seems to do it almost everytime I see him! I think he keeps asking me because I'm trying to keep my distance from him now because he is really getting on my last nerve! -sigh- ANyway, I need get stuff together. Next time will be my first chapter rough draft. Hopefully that'll put me in a better mood....

(February 3, 2009) This is a SHOUTOUT! Well...sort of

Maly! How're you doing in the sweltering state?! I really hope everything is going good. Okay that was the shoutout part, this second part is me telling you that this blog will now be used for my rough drafts and I guess if I'm bored I might tell you the boring events of my life. Anyway the next entry shall be the first chapter! Yay! :D

(January 30, 2009) Um...I can't think of a witty title...O.O

Okay so I'm at home (duh) and we just ate at Joe's Crab Shack (Yay more fish!) and I was talking to Anreina and Julie. Julie's pretty much the same but Andreina seemed kind of weird. I made a joke with her and she seemed to take it seriously so I tried fixing it but she took that as sarcasm...O.o I wonder what happened...ah now I'm bored; ima go read some manga and drool over shojo boys... :P

(January 30, 2009) TGIF

YES! It's Friday! XD Awesome! I feel really good for some reason...I guess I'm just happy that it's finally over! Plus she's saying that it ended a little better than the direction it was heading. I think I can finally get over the whole thing without any serious problems, same goes for Malorie. Oh, speaking of problems, I think I'll confide some of the drama that's been going on with my old elementary buds. I sort of had suspicions that there was some discord revolving Emily, Bethany, Samantha, and Lesly (Lesly isn't actually an elementary bud but all my elementary pals went to Evansville Jr High so she's more of a middle schhol bud that I met thorugh them) but I only just found out the whole story on Wednesday. Emily and Kendall told me that Lesly had been dating John E. (Em's ex and yes the one from Germany!) and Emily had no idea but I think she sort of suspected something because they became buddy-buddy seemingly overnight . The reason why I str

(January 28, 2009) Nauseated

I don't think I ever existed I don't think you ever saw me Was I ghost? I'm shivering and I'm nauseated I'd like to say I hate you But I can't I'm not sure I'm capable... I want you out So LEAVE! You make me nuseated I'm cold and shivering But I still don't hate you -Dedicated To M.F., I'll miss you and I know you'll get over it. I'm rooting for you!

(December 9, 2008) I am so friggin pissed! (this is an entry from another blog of mine from 06)

I am so friggin pissed, as stated in the title. Why you might ask, well it's simple. You see, we're going to the Grand Canyon (again), but it is friggin' 12:25 in the morning! We where suppose to leave at 8 or 10!!!!!! I am so mad because I just want to go, and my mom is giving me all this crap about bringing a stupid towel and it's all so just rustrating I want to scream! (AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) sorry, but my little sister is asleep, so I can't even take my rage and frustation out verbally!!! So here I am blogging because there are only stupid shows for grown ups who don't have lives. But this only the beginning, well actually this is the end because I started talking about what is buggin' me right now, but I got lots more to complain about my little day of fun. Perhaps another time though because writing is just making me angrier. Peace and Rock

(December 7, 2008) Sick...again! >.<

Gah! I can't believe that I'm sick again! I mean I just barely got over my laryngitis (fancy medical term meaning you've lost your voice :P)! >.<>

(October 6, 2008) I'm such a flake

Wow...I really am a liar...heh. >.> anywho, I guess i should probably document what's happening right now, huh? M'kay. Well, I'm a senior in highschool...yeah..just let thet soak in for a minute. Ok, you over the shock yet?...If not then that's just too bad! XP I haven't been on the computer for two main reasons as of late. One I'm doing a lot more reading just because everything is so gosh darn boring! I need to live vicariously in order to live! The other reason is that I've been texting alot lately (which you might've been able to tell by my total lack of good grammar). LOL I love my phone plus mom and dad got me unlimited texting!!! :D I'm totally going to put that through the test! Oops gotta jet!

(March 1, 2007) Tranella

Man, I am such a liar. Oh well. We found a white toy poodle on Sunday. She is such a good dog! She only yaps when the cats get too close or Marli (baby sister) tries to pick her up when she just wants to get away fron her, the dog that is. We have named her Tranilla because apparently that's how my uncle use to say vanilla and the dog is white, whatever.

(February 24, 2007) Update

Oh.My.Gawd. I can't believe that I haven't written anything in over a year! I guess I really have been out of it. Well like I say, it's my life and it's pretty boring so I guess you haven'y missed out on much. The weird thing is that I've been on the computer way more than I used to be but I've just been on in my mom's aol cuz I can go anywhere I want there. So anyways, I'm now in tenth grade and I turned 16 almost three months ago. I just got a new haircut (which was actually my old haircut before I let my hair get really long), i bought some new shoes @ Target and a new shirt (one of those seemingly small ones, but stretch to fit all sizes) at The Salvation Army. Pretty eventful day actually. Usually we just stay at home and do nothing. Yesterday we got some books because I am a bonefied bookworm. I love books. 'em. But most of the books I got were for my brothers because there is the series called "Cirque du Freak" by Dar

(October 28, 2005) Hullo

I heard that the Astros lost. Dude, that really sucks. Oh well, at least they went to the World Series. I mean that's gotta count for something. Well I guess they'll just have to try again next year. Man the Astros sure do make it a re-occuring thing, losing I mean. Am I the only one who's noticed that they get a little higher only to lose? But they don't lose nicely. It must really suk when they lose because it's always a humiliating defeat. Maybe that's just the way losing always is ( I wouldn't know, I don't play a lot of games to find out). Well,off that awful subject, today is Halloween. Even though it's Monday I knew it was going to be a good day and nothing could bring me down. GGGGGRRRRRR!!!! Oh, sorry, I skipped lunch and now I'm paying for it. Don't get me wrong, i am not one of those people who starves themselves, I did not get lunch because my Dad forgot to give me money. Curse it all. So now I also have a really bad hunger he

(September 23, 2005) bORED...I'm still Bored

Wow, I am really bored. I mean rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bored! Bored.. Bored. Humph, story of my life!

(September 8, 2005) Scrathy throats, 1 for $1.50

Hello everyone! How was your holiday weekend? Mine was OK, I mean it wasn't bad, it was just as normal as any other weekend. AAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh, sorry about that. I got a scratchy throuat after I ate a pizza that cost me $1.50. EEEEWWWW, I can't concentrate. I'll be back.

(August 30, 2005) AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!(Do I have your sympyathy yet?)

Why do people lie and say school is painless? GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH! KNowing that everything you do from Freshman year to Senior year depends on whether you get into a good college or not is just a liittle nerve racking. I mean, not that it won't be easy because in all liklihood it might be really easy but just thinking that if you forget something you might completely screwup. I lost my absent note and a huge picture for art. And being new in school I don't know where the lost and found is. Oh yeah my mom is right over my shoulder asking to help her w/ somethin'. Probably something dumb, gtg.

(August 18, 2005) -Sigh- Highschool...

Hello to all my adoring fans, oh wait... I don't have any maybe that's because my parents are overprotective and made it a private blog. Sometimes they worry me, I mean what kind of parents don't let their kids have what everyone else does. And i swear, I am not being a b****, it's just that people who have nicer stuff than me are usually poorer than I am, now that's just wrong. And this is just about the computer which I don't even spend that much time on. Oh yeah, did I mention I am writing in my fourth day of highschool. Being a fresh fish isn't as easy as it sounds. On my backpack I had two red locks on them, you know just to keep as reminders that my scars in middle school were real and because my favorite colors are red and black. Well I was trying to kill time with my friends today during lunch (we have a ninety minute lunch break) by walking around and there were seniors still outside and when they saw us go inside the school they said (and either I

(May 20, 2005) AUGH!

After I wrote my last entry I just got worst. I started coughing, then I stharted talking funny. I wthas really congesthed and my nose was really drippy. To top it all off I got in this really big fight with this boy in my class that sometimes I just want to kill! Well this was the first time I actually lost my cool (physically) with him. I had just gotten progress reports from my math teacher. My friends, Ashely and Ivette, were helping little kids out on the playground (our middle school shares campus with an elementary school) who were outside participating in field day (a series of events that usually the same grade competes in to show off the other classes. Getting humiliated in front of the whole grade in 100 degree weather sure does sound fun doesn't it?) obviously didn't get their progress reports because they weren't there. Well anyways, I was in my last period right after math, and Hugo, the boy I absolutely loathe, sat down and said, "Hey what's this?&qu

(May 20, 2005) Hello to you!

Owwwww! I have a really bad headache and a tissue in my hand. I feel so sick and I keep having to stop typing to blow my nose. -sigh- I am so exhausted! Well at least it's friday. Oh, and we just barely got our ISAT scores. Wipppeee! I passed everything (nothing new there). Knowing that I'm going to pass ISAT is almost boring but at least we can take as long we need to and we don't have to go to class. Yea, oh, bell just rung. GTG (got to go). Peace and tissue paper

(May 19, 2005) I am at school, this is so weird

I am at school and everyone is a blogger here. I feel kind of strange typing this in front of them though. Well I can at least see my class mates while typing secrets that would kill them if they ever found out, oops, that didn't come out right. Peace and text books

(May 19, 2005) How Weird

My friends are acting really weird lately, I don't know why but for some reason I think I should know about it. Well while I go to another perfectly wonderful day of school (yeah right) I think I am going to confront them. Peace and fluffy pillows

(may 18, 2005) Oh my gosh this is my first entry!

I am sooo bored! I just got this letter saying I was accepted to this highschool I really wanted to go to. Yea me! Now after the initial shock has worn off I am so tired of being excited. I really should go to sleep. Bye for now. (Gee, what an amazing first) Peace and rainbow stuffed cupcakes

Well first things first

Hiya! Okay well I'm not exactly new to blogging but my old blog is shutting down at the end of march :( So I decided to go somewhere else and here I am. :]